In afara de avantajul evident, acela de a obtine un venit, un loc de munca full sau part-time te poate ajuta sa te integrezi mai usor in societatea olandeza.
How do you find a workplace?
- printr-un uitzendbureau – agentie de recrutare a fortei de munca. Poti cauta agentiile care sunt specializate doar in domeniul locurilor de munca pentru studenti
- Through the recruitment agency of the International Student Office of your university
- On your own, leaving your CV at places which display vacancy announcements.
- on websites with useful information:
General requirements
Desi limba engleza este vorbita de majoritatea locuitorilor Olandei, trebuie sa iei in considerare cerintele de limba care ar putea exista in domeniul tau. Adesea, vorbitorii de limba olandeza au un avantaj, dar acest lucru variaza de la domeniu la domeniu. In orasele multiculturale, sansele sa gasesti un loc de munca unde ai nevoie doar de limba engleza sunt mai mari.
Work permit
Being an EU citizen, romanians do not require a work permit, so the employment process is more simple.
BSN-ul (Burgerservicenummer) este obligatoriu. De asemenea, asigurarea de sanatate publica olandeza, basiszorgverzekering, este necesara tuturor rezidentilor sau salariatilor in Olanda. Citeste mai multe despre BSN si modalitatea de obtinere here.
It is necessary to pay an annual income tax. Some student scholarships are also considered income and they will be included in your annual income.
Extracurricular activities
Student associations
in your free time, you can join a student associations for various volunteering activities. In the Netherlands this is very popular and the opportunities are wide. You can choose the student association from your university, professional ones (ELSA-European Law Students’ Association, AISEC) or social ones (fraternity, sorority).
For those who search volunteering activities outside university, LSRS NL is one of the associations you can join. From organising cultural, business or social events, social media or external relations and partnerships to personal development, teamwork and leadership, we offer you the full package. Find out more here or if you're already convinced, find out how you can apply here!
Internships, competitions and other opportunities
If you are in the Netherlands for your Bachelor or Masters studies, you must know that apart from mandatory courses, you also have to do a graduation project. Depending on your field of studies, you have the possibility of spending between 3-10 months working on your project.
Some private companies offer paid internships or various benefits, especially for international students (free accommodation or travel allowance). For Research Masters Programmes, the report of the project must be structured like an article you can further publish in a scientific journal.
Another way in which you can spend your free time, if you want to make some money or simply want to give something back to the society is to take part in scientific experiments. In general, each university uses a platform (Sona System) on which you can follow all the experiments happening at the moment, procedures used, time and payment methods. This platform allows you to register as “subject” in a database and assigns you a unique number you will further use when registering for an experiment.
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